19–22 May 2025
US/Mountain timezone


Thin porous media and complex fluids: interactions in printing


Nicolae Tomozeiu
Canon Production Printing (CPP)
 The Netherlands

Event Date: Sunday, 18 May 2025

Time: 14:00 - 17:00

Duration: Half-day

Location: Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town (Conference Venue)

Registration Fee: €75 (For InterPore2025 Participants) / €110 (Conference Course only)


The world of printing is rapidly and extensively developing due to the progress made in understanding the involved physical-chemical processes considering the societal boundaries. The inkjet printing technology delivers good print quality using the flexibility of digital printing at a breakthrough cost price. The challenges induced by climate change created opportunities for the water-based inkjet printing to become the flag-ship in Canon Production Printing company.

The physical processes which regulate the interactions between ink droplets and a thin porous paper have been the subject of many studies considering both theoretical understanding and sustainable industrial applications. This course is aiming to present, as fundamentals in a nutshell, the physics of water-based inkjet printing. 
Therefore, topics as: inks, droplet formation, jetting, droplets landing onto porous paper and their interaction described by processes as ink spreading, evaporation and imbibition into porous material, considering the ink properties and the paper characteristics are discussed. Also, latex film formation embedding the pigment particles, and from here the print color properties after drying are presented. All these are vital for having prints of high quality.

The edifice of this amazing course in inkjet printing is based on i) experimental studies using Optical Spectroscopy & Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Automatic Scanning Absorptiometer (ASA), Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), etc and, ii) computational simulations used to data analyze. Moreover, the latter is used to predict image quality as a print output, revealing the relation between the compositional properties (pigment distribution, layer thickness, concentration, and distribution of voids) of the ink layer and the color properties of the print.