19–22 May 2025
US/Mountain timezone

Lunch Forum

Monday, 19 May | 12:30 - 13:45


This forum will include a lunch-time lecture followed by an open discussion. This event is free and open to all participants of InterPore2025. 


Tiina Roose

University of Southampton, UK

Moving Porous Media Research All Together

In this talk I describe some of the basic mechanisms that give rise to differences in academic career structures and also suggest some actions all of us can do to minimise these effects. I will endeavour to use illustrative examples so that everybody attending can implement these approaches during the conference.

Tiina Roose was born in Estonia under the Soviet/Russian occupation. She completed her undergraduate degree in control systems engineering at the Tallinn Technical University. Following this when Estonia became independent and borders opened up she did, after a short stint as an investment banker, MSc and DPhil in applied mathematics at the University of Oxford. Her specialty whilst a graduate student was to develop multiscale mathematical modelling techniques to answer scientific questions about how the biological branching structures, such as plant roots, interact with their environment, i.e. soil. Following the completion of her DPhil in 2000 she moved to the Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital as a postdoctoral fellow to work on mathematical modeling of lymphatic function during cancer development. Upon her return to Oxford in 2003 she was awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship to work on modeling of  plant roots, lymphatics, blood vessels and lung physiology. She moved to the University of Southampton in 2009 as a lecturer. In 2013 she was promoted to a professor and after the completion of her Royal Society URF the same year she was awarded an ERC Consolidator grant titled “Data Intensive Modelling of Rhizosphere Processes”. At Southampton Tiina is currently Deputy Head of School for Research for School of Engineering, one of the largest engineering schools in the UK.