April 11, 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Program & Speakers

Interpore Benelux Chapter April 2024 ‘Living Tissue’

A session is defined as follows: 2 talks followed by 15 minutes of general

discussion A talk is defined as follows: 25 minutes plus 5 minutes questions.

Day 1

9:00-9:15 Greetings


9:15-10:30 Session 1 :Modelling frameworks of living tissue I

Soft tissue poromechanics: a multi-compartment approach

Giuseppe Sciume


Multiscale modelling of the brain tissue as a soft poroelastic composite

Hamidreza Dehghani


10:30-1100: Coffee break


11:00-12:15 Session 2 : Computational aspect in modelling soft tissues

Solving active continuum mechanics of soft tissues using meshfree particle methods

Ivo Sbalzarini


20 years in real-time simulation for surgery: challenges and opportunities 

Stephane Bordas


12:15-14:30 Lunch + Poster session


14:30-15:45 Session 3 : Fluid transport in porous media

Biofluid transport in porous media: from liver perfusion to tumour biophysics

Charlotte Debbaut


Multiscale simulation of Fractured Porous Media

Artur Castiel


15:45-16:15 Coffee break


16:15-17:00 Session 4 : Bones tissue modelling

Mechanics & biology in translational biomaterials research

Chris Arts


17:00-17:30 Session 5 :Modelling frameworks of living tissue II

A Mathematical Model describing Cell Shape Evolution and the Impact of Cellular Forces on the Extracellular Matrix during Cell Invasion through a Flexible Channel

Alice Peng

------19:30 Conference dinner (only speakers attend)



9:15-10:30 Session 6 : Modelling tissue and transport in Brain 

Modeling region-dependent properties of human brain tissue

Silvia Budday


Towards a 3D distribution model of drugs in the brain

Vivi Rottschäfer


10:30-11:00 Coffee break


11:00-12:15 Session 7: Medical session

Math and neurosurgery : application on Raman Spectroscopy for tumour classification

Frank Hertel


In vitro modelling of Parkinson’s disease with patient specific brain organoids

Jens Christian Schwamborn


Lunch and closing words