1 August 2020 to 15 August 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

About the Album

This album is aimed at providing a collection of state-of-the-art visualization of the different science and engineering aspects of porous media to serve as a reference for future research and education. This collection of scientific works will cover experimental and computational visualizations, including high resolution pore morphology, visualization of new porous materials, and visualization of the different transport processes that occur in porous materials as well as in other aspects. In addition, historical images that have played a pivotal role in the understanding of porous media phenomena will be included.

The album is co-edited by Ezequiel Medici, Department of Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics, Michigan Technological University and Alejandro Otero, Faculty of Engineering, University of Buenos Aires.

Submitted contributions will be peer-reviewed according to the relevance and innovation of the artwork. After the peer-reviewed process a hard copy book with all the contributions will be printed and indexed by Springer. Submission should include an image and a brief accompanying caption of no more than 1000 characters describing the novelty of the work. Contributions accepted for publication in the album are free of charge.