October 31, 2018 to November 2, 2018
Australia/Melbourne timezone


Early-bird Registration is open until Monday October 15 . Please read instructions below.

Payment Options

Payment can be made via the Registration Page for InterPore Australia 2018 using Visa, Amex and Mastercard (Diners is not available).

For a direct funds transfer, please:

  1. Add the reference "Interpore2018" and your family name to your deposit so we may issue a receipt
  2. Use these payment details:
    BSB: 083 170 
    Account 51-561-8328 
    Swift Code: NATAAU3303M 
    Account Name: The University of Melbourne Revenue Account 
    Bank: National Australia Bank 
  3. Please e-mail your remittance to finance-bankrec@unimelb.edu.au and eshea@unimelb.edu.au 

Please note Early Bird rates are available until 15 October 2018 (AEST), after which the regular registration rates will apply. 

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations can only be made up to 15 October 2018 (AEST); refunds will be less a 5% handling fee.


Early-bird Registration Fees, AUD (until 15 October 2018 (AEST)).

  Members Nonmembers
Student 110 165
Academic 220 275
Industry 330 385


Regular Registration Fees, AUD.

  Members Nonmembers
Student 165 253
Academic 275 363
Industry 385 473